Today we needed a lot of
to survive the day. The weather makes us depressed.
Anyway, we are starting to put more structure into our project
and in the rakefile ;) A rakefile is needed to get more organized, run different ruby scripts in an specific order and that’s what we like.
The old rakefile:
namespace :db do
task :migrate do
require "sequel"
Sequel.extension :migration
DB = Sequel.postgres("farmsubsidy_development")
Sequel::Migrator.run(DB, './db/migrations', :use_transactions=>true)
task :set_up_performance_test_db do
require "sequel"
Sequel.extension :migration
#check to see if performance DB already exists
the_database_is_there = system("psql -l | grep farmsubsidy_performance")
if the_database_is_there
#if it does then drop the db
system("dropdb farmsubsidy_performance")
#and recreate it
system("createdb farmsubsidy_performance")
DB = Sequel.postgres("farmsubsidy_performance")
Sequel::Migrator.run(DB, './db/migrations', :use_transactions=>true)
task :run_any_new_migration do
require "sequel"
Sequel.extension :migration
DB = Sequel.postgres("farmsubsidy_performance_add_top_payments")
Sequel::Migrator.run(DB, './db/migrations', :use_transactions=>true)
The new rakefile:
require 'csv'
require 'logger'
require "sequel"
Sequel.extension :migration
#include all .rake files in lib/tasks directory
Dir.glob('lib/tasks/*.rake').each { |r| import r }
#take the database_name variable from command line input or fall back to default: test_db
#i.e. rake db:createandmigrate database_name=xxxx
@database_name = ENV['database_name'] || 'farmsubsidy_test_db'